Accident and Emergency (A&E) Medical Negligence Claims


The busiest department, in almost all of the hospitals, is the Accident & Emergency (A&E) ward. Every individual, from the nurses to the surgeons, are assigned a role to increase the efficiency of all operations. However, despite the chaotic schedule, the A&E department of any hospital is legally obligated to provide you with the standard medical assistance. 

In the case that the nursing staff or the doctor on call, refuses to provide treatment, you can submit a medical negligence claim to seek compensation for the resulting damage. By definition, medical negligence claims are submitted by patients involved in malpractice, which occurs due to the inattentiveness of the hospital, its staff or the assigned doctors or nurses. 

When it comes to A&E, you can still submit a medical negligence claim, if you are a victim of medical malpractice. To learn more about A&E medical negligence claims, read the ensuing guide. 

Medical Negligence In Accident & Emergency Wards 

Due to the sensitive nature of the cases observed in the A&E ward, there are a number of things that can go wrong. You can make a medical negligence claim in the following cases. 

Failure to assess the problem

The A&E department of a hospital is extremely busy. However, despite its packed schedule, it is required for the doctors to carry out a thorough assessment of the patient’s condition, before sending them back. Medical negligence occurs when the doctor refuses to assess the problem proficiently, which can lead to a faulty or incorrect diagnosis. This, in turn, can result in the worsening of the condition. If you have experienced this situation in the A&E department, you can make a medical negligence claim. 

Refusal to treat the patient 

In the A&E department, it is imperative for the medical professionals to provide you with the proper treatment, and subsequently, ensure that you are taken care of until your condition improves. In the case the doctor sends you home, which results in the worsening of your condition, you can seek a medical negligence claim for your troubles. 

Failure to take an x-ray

Taking an x-ray is a crucial part of the process, especially when you are dealing with injuries and accidents. However, if the doctor refuses to take an x-ray, despite you recommending it to them, you can submit a medical negligence claim. In this scenario, compensation can be requested for the time duration in which you were in severe pain. 

Inadequate viewing of the medical photograph 

Another common incidence leading to the increasing number of medical negligence claims, is the inadequate viewing of the medical photographs. When the doctors are overworked or exhausted, it is a possibility for them to misinterpret or mix up the medical photographs. This can result in a misdiagnosis, which can lead to pursuing the wrong course of treatment. Consequently, the patient’s condition can worsen. Taking this into account, if the doctor misinterpted your medical photograph, you must get a copy of the medical report for the personal injury claim

Failure to conduct the relevant tests 

As stated earlier, the medical professionals are bound by law to ensure that the relevant tests are carried out on the patients. In the A&E department, the doctors are required to either administer the tests themselves, or give you a referral for another specialist. In the case the tests were not administered, which led to a delayed diagnosis, medical negligence claims can be submitted. 

Failure to give a referral

There are numerous types of specialists made available by the hospital. If the case is too critical, and the A&E doctor is not qualified to perform the operations, they are required to give out a referral to a trained professional. In the case a referral is not made, and the patient’s condition has worsened, a medical negligence claim can be made for compensation. 

Giving a misdiagnosis

One of the leading causes of medical negligence claims is the occurrence of misdiagnosing a patient. If the medical professional provides you with the wrong diagnosis, or they delay the diagnosis, which ultimately results in the worsening of your condition, you can make a claim. 

Giving the wrong prescription/treatment

Similar to the aforementioned, giving out the wrong prescription, or pursuing an inadequate course of treatment, which essentially makes the patient even more sick, can be grounds for a medical negligence claim.  

If you have experienced any of the aforementioned cases, you can submit a medical negligence claim. To increase your chances of acquiring success, you can take assistance from professional solicitors. These individuals can gather evidence, review your reports and essentially, contact the relevant authorities to ensure that your claim is approved. If you are looking for an experienced medical negligence solicitor, reach out to Hamilton Douglas Legal. These experts work under the CFA, so you do not have to pay a fee, unless your case is a success. 


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