5 Tips for Combating Belly Bloat

Belly Bloat

It happens to everyone from time to time: that full, uncomfortable feeling you get when your belly, and perhaps other areas of your body, are looking and feeling bloated. Belly bloat is normal and typically harmless, although it can be a hit to your self-esteem and leave you feeling less than fabulous. There’s generally nothing good that comes from taking drastic action, but small, subtle changes can help you get things back on track while minimizing the risks of developing bloat as frequently in the future.

1. Drink More Plain Water

One of the leading causes of bloating is water retention. While there are numerous reasons why your body is holding onto excess fluid, most commonly it’s because you aren’t hydrated enough. While it may sound counterintuitive, drinking more water can help flush out your system and rehydrate your organs and tissues, allowing you to eliminate the excess fluid that causes bloating.

When it comes to hydration, what you drink matters. Stay away from caffeinated beverages, sugary drinks, and dairy milk if you want to fight belly bloat. These can actually make it worse. Even sparkling water can lead to gas, another common cause of a bloated belly. Instead, stick to plain water. If you need some extra flavor, add in some fresh fruits or herbs, such as:

  • Berries
  • Citrus
  • Cucumber
  • Mint

These can also have antioxidant properties to help minimize inflammation.

2. Monitor Your Eating Habits

Overeating is a common problem these days and eating too much in one sitting or over the course of a day or two can lead to rapid belly bloat. Keep your portion sizes under control and make sure you pay attention to your body’s fullness cues to ensure you stop eating at the right time. If hunger is an issue, choose more filling foods and create a meal timeline that helps keep you full so you won’t eat uncontrollably later. Supplementing with the thrive patch is a great way to support a healthy body and a controlled appetite.

3. Stay Away From Inflammatory Foods

Just as much as you should control how much and how often you eat, you also need to be mindful of what you are putting into your body. The foods you eat are likely to blame if stomach bloat is an issue for you. It can be challenging to eat the right foods and get the balanced nutrition your body needs. You’ll want to stay away from foods that tend to make inflammation or digestive upsets worse. These typically include high amounts of sugar, fried food, extremely spicy food, dairy products, and processed meats. Stick to lean protein, whole grains, and antioxidant-rich produce instead.

4. Get Your Body Moving

Another one of the leading causes of stomach bloat is a lack of activity. Staying active helps your body metabolize nutrients more effectively, eliminating waste and minimizing bloat. When you sit for too long on a routine basis, it can slow your digestive system and put you at risk for serious disease as well. Going for a brisk walk for just 20 minutes a day can be a great start. If you have a hard time getting yourself to move during the work day, consider using a fitness tracker or setting an alarm to help remind you to get up and move.

5. Try Some Natural Remedies

Some natural products may help reduce stomach bloat, especially if it’s caused by digestive issues. Mint, turmeric, ginger, parsley, cumin, and many other herbs can help settle your stomach and minimize inflammation. Probiotics can also help keep your GI tract functioning more efficiently, reducing the risks of chronic bloat.

Belly bloat happens to the best of us, but there are ways you can get back to looking and feeling your best in no time. Remember to care for your body proactively. When it comes to beating belly bloat, prevention is the best approach.


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